Who We Are

SOCIAL is a new initiative that aims to foster a sense of community and belonging among the residents of Wedgewood+Houston. We enable various events and activities that cater to the diverse interests and needs of our neighbors, such as meet-ups, book clubs, yoga classes, potlucks, movie nights, and more. SOCIAL also provides a platform for neighbors to share their skills, talents, resources, and ideas with each other, creating a network of mutual support and collaboration. SOCIAL believes that by bringing neighbors together, we can enhance the quality of life, social cohesion, and civic engagement in our urban environment. SOCIAL welcomes anyone who lives in the neighborhood or nearby areas to join us and become part of this vibrant and dynamic community.

Redefining Urban.

Who We Are Not.

SOCIAL is an independent neighborhood group, and is not affiliated with South Nashville Action People (SNAP).  SOCIAL is a voluntary association of Wedgewood+Houston residents who share common interests and values, and who organize various activities and events to foster a sense of community and belonging. The group does not receive any funding or support from SNAP, nor does it represent or endorse SNAP in any way.