Nashville Unveils New WalknBike Plan for Wedgewood-Houston
The Nashville Department of Transportation has just released its long-awaited WalknBike plan for improving walking and biking infrastructure in the trendy Wedgewood-Houston neighborhood.
The plan aims to make the area safer and more accessible for pedestrians, cyclists, and other non-vehicular modes of transportation. Key highlights include:
• New sidewalks and curb ramps to increase walkability and ADA accessibility on Houston Street, Wedgewood Avenue, and several residential side streets.
• Dedicated bike lanes added to major corridors like Houston Street and 8th Avenue South to connect Wedgewood-Houston to downtown and other neighborhoods.
• Traffic calming measures like speed humps, raised crosswalks, and curb extensions on residential streets to slow vehicle speeds.
• Improved lighting, signage, and streetscaping elements to enhance safety and aesthetics.
"Wedgewood-Houston has exploded in popularity in recent years, but the transportation infrastructure hasn't kept up," said Cindy Smith, the city's WalknBike Coordinator. "With more folks walking, biking, and using alternative transportation, we need to prioritize their safety and access."
The $7.2 million plan was developed over two years with extensive community input from neighborhood residents, businesses, pedestrian advocates, and cycling groups. Construction on the first phase of projects is expected to begin in early 2024.
Long known for its industrial character, Wedgewood-Houston has rapidly gentrified with an influx of new restaurants, bars, retail, creative offices and residential developments. But concerns have grown over pedestrian safety and mobility challenges as density increases.
The WalknBike initiative is part of Nashville's broader transportation plan to create a more multi-modal, sustainable network accessible to all residents across the city's urban neighborhoods.
Wedgewood Houston Social is excited to welcome Anna Dearman, NDOT Walking & Biking Manager, to their SOCIAL event on Tuesday, May 14th. She will share how the plan will benefit the neighborhood and what residents can expect to keep them safe.